Resources & Documents



Here are some additional resources that can aid you with understanding the group's values, along with gaining a better understanding of your abilities. 


If you would like to know our bylaws and such, take a gander of our constitution. 

SHOO Const..pdf

Protection & Understanding 

Many times our energy balance is tipped one way or another, no matter how many times we try to reground ourselves. This essential resource was put together by one of our directors to add to our personal spiritual arsenal.  In addition since we occasionally do cleansings of residential and reference these materials quite often. 


Paranormal Etiquette 

While one is a part of an investigation, there are some "rules of the hunts." These are also common courtesy based, due we are all wanting to collect data that isn't contaminated by one  another. As we are sure you don't want your data corrupted by a simple gurgle of the intestines either. 



There are a slew of terms that are used between various groups. Though some are unison, there are others that are completely out there. Feel free to save a copy for your records

Paranormal Terminology.pdf

Clairvoyancy Types

Need assistance in understanding your abilities? Check out the descriptions of each below, you could have a specialized combo of them. 

A Guide & Description of Abilities.pdf

Dream Interpretation

Was there an item in your dream that just stood out? Check out one of the many dream dictionaries whether online or in book format. 

Though we don't have one specific one to recommend. One that is commonly referenced is Dream Moods Dictionary. But you are welcome to use whichever one you feel is most comfortable with. 

We also recommend that you maintain a journal of your dreams, if feasible. Whether you use a notebook and/or a notes application on your electronic device(s). Due to you may be able to reflect upon a certain trigger in your waking life. 


There has been an increase of crystal use for cleansings, and protection. Though we don't have an exact combination to recommend, due to each person is different. A common one that is easily obtained is Black Obsidian. There are various forms of carrying them with you. Some tend to have them in their purse, on a necklace, in their pocket, or a bracelet, etc. So it all depends on your comfort level of wearing them. 

When picking your crystals, it's based upon what you're drawn to. Each crystal has a purpose of healing, whether it's a chakra out of alignment, or a reducing the amount of negativity, or aiding in finding that special someone. It's all based on what you're drawn to. So check out a local metaphysical shop, and listen to the energy and feel the vibrations as you go through the store. 

Here is a link for a Crystal Guide to get you started. But definitely check out your local metaphysical/spiritual shops. 

Paranormal Hangovers

Yes a paranormal hangover is a legit experience. It can be very draining especially when you are not adequately prepared for an investigation. Like a traditional hangover by alcohol, headache, nausea, vomiting, in addition to an overall drained sense of self, among other symptoms. Majority of the time to recover from said hangover, one would need to reground themselves. Whether it's meditation, plenty of clear fluids, a spiritual cleansing of your aura, good ole rest, walking barefoot outside, etc.. Do what works best for you to rest and reset.

If you have a metaphysical shop near by, you can do a "spiritual car wash" and walk through the shop, but would also recommend picking up some protection methods, so that it is not a repeat experience. Due to with each investigation location, you are unaware of the entities that 

Here are some quick resources for additional for a Hangover Remedy  and a Paranormal Hangover Article